Guinness came into our lives at 9 or 10 months. He was a very needy boy who wanted LOTS of attention. Here is the first day he came to live with us...and look how small they both are!

We were very fortunate to get Guinness because wolfhounds do best with other wolfhounds, so having Saige made for a perfect match. She was the best company for Guinness, and he settled in beautifully! He stopped demanding for so much attention and just played with Saige instead, and they tired each other out...then would curl up and sleep, creating an even tighter bond.

And here is your official Cuteness Overload Warning...

And most of these baby pictures are from Scott Kerr at
http://www.bainbridgeiw.com/ and lucky for us he gave us a chance to re-home Guinness so he did not have to fly back to his Kennel in the USA.

Are you my Mommy?
Oh - our human has gone all high pitched and squeaky again - and that's even AFTER you posted a cute overload warning, he he he!! Adorable - we especially like the photo of him 'caught in the act' chewing the cushion! Aw, our human knows how you feel as they feel just the same watching the two of us growing up together and getting on so well. Wonderful post! Tail wags - JD and Max.
ReplyDeleteNow, thanks to pics like these, I'll have to let hubby get a wolfie! I don't know if I should be excited or what...I choose excited.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Love, love,love these baby pix of Guiness! What an adorable pup - sounds like Saige was an excellent "mom" from the start to help G. settle in! Also sounds like both you AND G. were incredibly lucky!
ReplyDeleteHuggles xo
those are the cuties baby pics i have ever seen
ReplyDeleteso wonderful that it all worked out so well
bullies do better in packs too
woodrow sweetie mj
Really too good-looking! It is beautiful to see the young with her mom. It is adorable.
ReplyDeleteOh, holy smokes, Guinness! I almost passed out from how cute your puppy pix are!!! And now... you are sooo handsome!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool post. We're so glad you found the right home!
Tail wags,
Oh, phew! Thanks for the cutness overload warning! Such handsome puppers there!
ReplyDelete((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
All those puppy pictures are adorable!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing them!
Kisses and hugs
Those sure are cute piccies, especially the bitey couch!
He's soooooo cute!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - you are right that is just cuteness overload!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so glad Guinness and Saige found each other - like Martha and Bailey - they just go together!
We loved this post!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
We're sure that Guinness feels the same way about you☺
ReplyDeleteCuteness overload is an understatement!!! Oh my God, what a GORGEOUS puppy you were! (Well, a gorgeous adult too!) I just love the one with the funny pink 'bunny ears'...oooh!
ReplyDeleteSo happy you found such a wonderful home, Guiness, and Saige to be your playmate for life! What a lovely story!
Honey the Great Dane
Wooo! One of the cutest puppies I have ever seen. We are so glad Guinness and Saige found each other, and you!
ReplyDeleteWe are so glad Guinness and Saige found each other
I felt the same way when I came home and my Beautiful Raja was there to take care of me and show me how to be a mastiff. Then she crossed over the bridge and I was very sad.
ReplyDeleteMomma says that I have raised Pee-Wee to be some sort of labrastaff. Whatever. Its good to have a pal.
My mom person says it's so cute she can't stand it. We've been petitioning my dad person to get me a baby brother. Maybe we'll show this post to him.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetie he was! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd still is! ;)
ReplyDeleteMy goodness you sure grew a lot! My human said if I'd had a growth spurt like that she wouldn't have anywhere to put me!