I turned 3 on New Year's Day. That's right. I am a New Year's baby and my Momma forgot to tell you. It is kinda important don't you think? I mean, it is not everyday your big boy turns 3!!!

Saige was the only one who showed up to my party...and she lives here!

I invited Groucho but look...here he is charming up all the girls at a DIFFERENT birthday party!

His Mom!!!! She turned FORTY-ONE! So MY mom made her this cake of the New Sewage Treatment Plant because Groucho's mom is a Town Councillor and involved in the project. She is the "number one" girl in the "number 2 business"--hehehe--get it ....#2?

See all the sewer rats and the lagoon filled with all sorts of nice FLOATABLES? hehehe

And look--my mom and Groucho's dad can only eat this much of the cake because they are on a program called "Weight Watchers".

See, look how big and strong my mom is --she was the National heavy weight powerlifting champ! See her eyeballs popping out of her red face?

Here she is bench pressing the first 300 pounds ever by a female in Canada. Kewl huh?

But NOW....she says it is time to be an athlete and not a fatlete. And guess what! I gained weight myself over Christmas and I am a whopping 163 pounds! My vet thought that I should go back into the 150 range so I won't stress my broken leg--oh but how I DO love to eat treats!

But look what else I forgot to tell you---I am on page 45 of the new Dog Joy book!

See, look. They even sent me a CUSTOM COPY of me on the cover! So I guess if I am going to be a cover model I will have to watch my figure after all. Til next time...Guinny.