Hi! It is Guinness! Maggi is home! What an adventure it was, but first thank you to all the people who worked so hard to bring this girl to us. We know there is a collective sigh across Canada now that Maggi is finally home! And here she is...a tired, but happy girl.

She looks a lot like me, eh? I am not sure how you will tell us apart--HaHa! Maggi came from a bad situation then she was fostered in several places from Alberta and Ontario. She has been in many different foster homes and travelled nearly from coast to coast through the second biggest country in the world. Poor Maggi, Just when she got settled in one home, she was shipped off to another, even though her Fosters loved her and wanted the best for her, it is hard to understand when you are a dog. And she is completely blind, so you can imagine how utterly terrified she must have been. No human could handle the changes she went through, and after all that she is a loving, kind, sweet girl.

Look at the van. My humans had to travel 15 hours to Montreal to pick her up. My human Dad packed so much and my human Mom was really mad. They had enough provisions for a week. But my human dad likes to OVER prepare in case there is a storm and he might have to rescue people or save the World or something like that. Cindy, from the Irish Wolfhound Rescue Committee, Maggi, and Katherine-- Maggi's foster mom, were driving from Ontario to meet us in Montreal.

The roads were terrible once the humans hit northern New Brunswick. It was just so cold...so cold that when you blink your eyes your lids freeze together for a split second. They had to get a hotel the first night because their sleeping bags were only rated for -20, and it was -37 outside. A hot bath and a warm bed was just fine with my human Mom!

When they get to Montreal everyone is meeting at Huguette's house. It is a nice place for everyone to meet and get to know Maggi. Thank you Huguette! We get to meet Huguette's Irish Wolfhounds....

And Earl Grey! Hehehe!

...and two adorable Irish Wolfhound puppies!

Aren't they cute? They are 9 weeks old and the size of labradors--hehehe!

...and uh oh...what is going on here?

Is my human dad going to go home with one of these puppies? Hehehe!

And now Maggi comes in and this is the first time the humans get to finally meet their new girl.

Of course Maggi is scared because she is in a new place AGAIN and has to map it out. She uses her nose and her scruff to map out a room. All the smells and sounds are new and strange. She has already travelled for hours and hours, and now she must travel all the way home to Nova Scotia.

Too bad there is not some way to let Maggi know she is going to her forever home.

Katherine has been fostering Maggi. She loves her very much. It is so hard to say goodbye and let poor Maggi go somewhere new again. Everyone just hopes and prays it is the best thing for Maggi.

Maggi did not fuss the whole way home. My human mom sat in the back and cuddled and comforted her. It was so cold my human dad just drove and drove and drove. Maggi got 4 stops and never complained once.

Everyone loves Maggi right away. She tries to sit on everyone. She mapped out the house and had it down pat in five minutes. Maggi bumps into everything. She has a hard head and a sweet heart. She is just so KIND. It is amazing how well she adapts to new people and new surroundings.

There was some issues with Maggi's food. She can not free feed. Because she has known starvation she will eat and eat and eat. She was posessive of her food and snapped at me. She was aggressive towards me when we were excited for our walkie and in a tight area. My human mom called the
Zen Godmother of cats and dogs in Nova Scotia, Janet. Janet helped my human mom and let her cry. She told her some good tricks. She also said everyone is still cranky and tired, so imagine how cranky and tired Maggi would be! time to go back to bed!...And within 12 hours things had changed so much my human couldn't believe she over reacted so much.

We think Maggi is going to be the perfect fit. We would like to thank Cindy again and EVERYONE else who was involved in bringing Maggi home! We are once again, The Splorin Wolfie"S" !!!!!