Can wolfhounds swim? I am not sure! Saige will walk way, way out and sit down on the bottom of the lake...and just sit, and sit...when I try to get her to swim, she just looks around, stupid-like. Guinness prefers to watch from the shore--he might get his ankles wet, but that is about it.
Those are very cool photos!
ReplyDeletePrincess Eva only gets her ankles wet(she's not good with "change") and my people are confident that I will swim but haven't let me try yet.
Not me! I LOVE to swim. Getting wet is my fave, next to food, that is.
hahaha omg that is HILARIOUS!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy Loch ness Saige <3 !!!!!!!!!!
Hi Wolfies! Brice and Eva sent me! I just wanted to pop in and say "ha roo"!
Wow, I think you're both bigger than my wolfie buddy. I love the water, but Maria won't let me play in it.
Wowsa! You two are actual full sized doggies such as myself. How exciting. Can I add you to my list of pals?
ReplyDeleteI have never tried swimming, but I like the sit on the bottom technique you demonstrated so well.
I think I am in love! You are 36.5 inches tall? Oh, even taller than the Mango! I am just a wee thing at 32" at the shoulder. I bet you run fast with those beautiful long legs. Oh bestill my heart.
Nothing wrong with the sitting on the bottom of the lake thing. It will keep you cool when its hot!
ReplyDeletePrincess Eva sent me over, stop and see us sometime.
He he you are so tall you could probably walk across. =)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place. You all look very content!
ReplyDeleteWhitney will swim if you throw her stupid ball. She'll do ANYTHING for that thing! I (Shasta) don't like to get my dainty piddy paws wet or dirty. I make a funny face that HuMom calls my "worried look." Sasha woos to me that she'll go in if there's a squirrel or something of equal value to chase. Otherwise, she's happy to stay out too.
Wow, I hate getting wet. You guys are brave!
ReplyDeleteOh! What a pretty place! Love the sitting in the water, I do that too! Lay down, if it is shallow enough....I can do the doggie paddle sometimes....
ReplyDeleteCheers, Honey (13 yo golden)
What beautiful piccies - the best looking monsters we've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteTail wags - JD and Max.