Poor Groucho and his fur-brother came to us because their owner no longer wanted them and was moving away. They became very depressed after entering the shelter and barely ate, and because our kennels are not big enough to house two dogs, we had to separate them. All day they howled and called to each other, it would have broke your heart. Groucho's brother was lucky enough to be adopted, but now Groucho is more depressed than ever. We are pretty sure he knows his brother is gone, but still he calls for him all day. It's the most mournful pitiful howl you have ever heard. We need to get Groucho out of the shelter as soon as possible and we are looking for someone who is familiar with Afghan Hounds and realize how much is required not only for their general care, but also for the grooming that is involved. Groucho is clipped, which makes grooming a bit easier, but if you want to let the hair grow long so that he looks like an Afghan Hound should, you need to realize this is full time care, with regular grooming. He is a lovely, handsome boy, who just loves going out for walks. Can you please find it in your heart to help poor Groucho out, he will love you fur-ever. All Dogs & Puppies come with a Pedigree Adoption Kit!

So this human came with this nice bed and said I was going home with her as a foster dog--because I needed to be in a home with my own kind!
Well, you bet I jumped right in without a second thought...
Look how happy I am! I haven't smiled for weeks!
Well it is a long ride all the way from Yarmouth --so I might as well get comfy!