We lost Saige last night, Annemia—most likely due to an intestinal tumor. Her back end completely gave out suddenly within 24 hours She did not suffer. I knew her life was not going to be measured by time, but by quality, and her quality was exceptional. We made the most of every day with her and enjoyed ever single moment with that beautiful creature. She was a glorious, glorious girl. Her birthday would have been Aug 15, so she was 3.9 years old. She has had a hard summer with the heat, and her colitis and her arthritis. She was on daily medication for those last 2 conditions...so I never felt that she was truly the healthiest of hounds. Also she was massive, even for wolfhound standards--which didn't help...there was always health issues, stress, and concern with her.
I am absolutely relieved to let go of the burden of her suffering that I felt so heavily on my shoulders... and the last 24 hours when she was unable to stand and walk on her own I felt so unburdened just to let her go. She is at peace now, and I feel no sorrow except for my own loss of my great pal. But I am mostly happy, at the exemplary hound I was privileged to share my life with these past 4 years. I might be back on the blog in time, but for now we are tired of 'splorin for at least a little while, and Guinness will need some extra attention to cope with the loss of his best friend.
My intention of the blog was just to explore the country side and show the best qualities of wolfhounds and Nova Scotia--I thought the two went so well together. But I never wanted support or sympathy for any hardships that came our way---I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS NOT HOW OTHER BLOGGERS FEEL—and some of you support each other through lifes ups and downs, which is 100% ok. It's just not how I roll. I hope this doesn't come out wrong, because in the end I am VERY appreciative of all the concern and support!!! I just don’t want to stress others out and make them feel they have to send condolences our way, because that is really not what we want or need—and not what my blog was about. We are doing really well and just remembering the happiness Saige gave us, so please, please don’t be sad—we are really not sad at all, just happy to have had her in our lives ;-)
Saige's energy is still very much present and all around me, I will carry her around with me forever... so truly, she has not left at all, she is right there where she always was, embedded in my heart.
Love the wolf pack